Clinic of One-Day Surgery

Consultation for gallbladder and biliary tract diseases

What is it about?

Gallbladder disease is a common lifestyle-related illness, strongly influenced by poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits (stress, lack of physical activity). It tends to be hereditary – when both the mother and grandmother experience issues, it is very likely that the daughter will face the same problems.


Gallbladder disease is a typical civilization-related disease with a significant contribution from poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle (stress, lack of physical activity). It can be hereditary—if both the mother and grandmother have issues, it is very likely that the daughter will have the same problems.

After surgery

After surgery, a light diet is necessary (for 3 to 4 weeks), and then the vast majority of patients do not follow any diet. Properly indicated and well-performed gallbladder surgery significantly improves the quality of life for our patients.


Prim. MUDr. Ludvík Winkler, MBA

Prim. MUDr. Ludvík Winkler, MBA

chief surgeon

czech english
MUDr. Pavel Suchomel

MUDr. Pavel Suchomel

deputy chief physician of surgery, chief physician of the inpatient department

czech english
MUDr. Milan Bartášek

MUDr. Milan Bartášek


czech english french
MUDr. Ondřej Foltán

MUDr. Ondřej Foltán


czech english
MUDr. Kamil Navrátil, Ph.D.

MUDr. Kamil Navrátil, Ph.D.

surgery, chief physician of the operating room

czech english german


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Triton IT